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Messy Bits & All

Writer's picture: AnuttaraAnuttara

Updated: Nov 3, 2018

It is only now, as I sit to write this blog , that I am actually fully comprehending what this training has given me. As I reflect on my time at the ashram, Im filled with an incredible sense of gratitude for all which I received. For all the insight, inspiration and healing that I underwent and continue to undergo. Originally I joined the training because I wanted to be a Yoga Teacher. I wanted to share what I loved. It definitely gave me this , however, the Anuttara YTT was much more than a process of ‘becoming a teacher’, instead it was a course which has taught me how to live more fully, love more deeply and to embrace who I am (messy bits and all).

"... it was a course which has taught me how to live more fully, love more deeply and to embrace who I am (messy bits and all) "

This month long intensive lead me to a few life changing realizations. These insights have been gradually unfolding over the course of many, many months. And Im sure Ill spend the rest of my life embodying what Ive learnt.

The realization was this; that there is no magic pill, no long lasting or instantaneous gratification when it comes to a true spiritual path. When we embark on this journey it is one that requires patience, discipline, and honesty throughout the inevitable ups and downs of life. Its not all good feelings, mystical experiences and living the rest of your life in a bubble of bliss, untouched by thoughts, emotions and pain.

"There is no magic pill, no long lasting or instantaneous gratification when it comes to a true spiritual path"

This is what makes this training authentic in that it never promised any quick fix technique that overnight turns you into a all knowing, all loving yoga master. Instead it shows us that in order to be an effective teacher one must have the willingness to embark on a personal, inner journey that involves radical honesty, and an openness to each and every moment.

Together, Artemis and Nirav skillfully guided us through the complex labyrinth of spirituality and yoga . They taught us how to cultivate the skills necessary to become a teacher through self inquiry, study and dedication. Anuttara empowered me to become more autonomous; discovering what is real for me in my own experience instead of relying solely on intellectual understanding or beliefs. Anyone can read a book and tell a nice story, however what makes a great teacher is someone who embodies this knowledge through first hand experience, awakening qualities such as wisdom and compassion.

"what makes a great teacher is someone who embodies this knowledge through first hand experience, awakening qualities such as wisdom and compassion"

In keeping up a daily practice (whether it be meditation, asana, pranayama, Seva) I now understand and feel more comfortable in myself. I discovered that what’s important is; being genuine, being open with myself and others, and to be willing to experience discomfort, imperfection and the ordinary.

Going out into the big, bad world after being at Anuttara, I see clearly that what makes this place so unique is the people who created it. They are so real and so well established in their own personal spiritual journey, that I always felt like I was learning from people who had real depth, understanding and humility.

Artemis and Nirav keep the ancient wisdom alive today by sharing it in a very down to earth and practical way. They share with us a way of being that is incredibly liberating. I’m grateful to have witnessed overtime in myself the transformative effects of Yoga, how my persistent insecurity and sense of dis-ease has faded to the background, and that what shines forth is a deeper connection with life and my true being. What I learnt from Anuttara I will carry with me throughout the years as I continue on this path; one step after the other.

"What I learnt from Anuttara I will carry with me throughout the years as I continue on this path; one step after the other"


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