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The Cosmic Dance Within: A Tantric View on Wisdom

Writer's picture: Artemis Emily DoyleArtemis Emily Doyle

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Living from the heart tantric cosmic dance shiva shakti
Shiva & Shakti Dancing

The Cosmic Dance Within: A tantric view on Wisdom

According to Hindu Tantra, the universe is comprised of two fundamental principles: Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is the infinite and formless source from which all forms of Shakti (energy) arise. Together they dance a cosmic dance, creating and destroying our world. The teachings of Tantra posit that the concepts of form and formlessness are fundamentally interconnected and cannot be separated. The sacred exists here on earth and is the essence of all of existence. Two additional tantric principles, Hridaya and Spanda, also exemplify this concept. The Hridaya, also known as the spiritual heart, is located in the center of your chest. Your inner essence is a mirror of the infinite silence of Shiva. The Hridaya is the source of the pulsating rhythm of creation, known as spanda, which reflects the spark of life emanating from Shakti. Shiva and Shakti rest in our hearts. Our inherent ability to live a divinely guided life, to access the answers to our burning questions, and to pursue our highest purpose, can be accessed through the heart.

Your inner essence is a mirror of the infinite silence of Shiva.

When we follow our heart's we align with divine will. The spiritual life is characterized by the fufillment of our Dharma, our life's purpose. Our Dharma is constantly evolving, like the steps of a dance. In order to maintain alignment with our purpose, it is imperative to remain connected to our heart. This location serves as a conduit for the universe to communicate with us. Fulfilling our purpose means responding to the divine's call in the present moment through the depths of our hearts. In order to extend the reach of our spirituality beyond the practice of meditation, it is imperative that we pay attention to the inner voice of the divine that resonates within us.

When we follow our heart's we align with divine will.

In contemporary society, there is a tendency to prioritize rationality over intuition and bhava, which refers to spiritual-emotion. This emphasis on rationality is often reinforced through the use of fear as a means of maintaining social order. Embracing the path of the heart in contemporary times entails deviating from societal norms. Life is contantly presenting us with a choice between two opposing forces: love and fear. Love is the aroma of a life lived in alignment with the will of the Divine. Fear is a contraction away from the divine and a clinging towards the familiarity of the ego.

Love is the aroma of a life lived in alignment with the will of the Divine. Fear is a contraction away from the divine and a clinging towards the familiarity of the ego.

Fear is not the enemy. Emotions are a natural part of the divine-human existence and can be an invitation to remember the divine essence of life. Instead of fighting fear, we recognize it as the face of God emerging from the formless Infinite. Embracing a heart-centered approach to life can elicit feelings of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Paradoxically, these emotions may indicate that we are on the correct path towards personal growth and fulfillment. Remember, behind the face of every fear or doubt you might have, is the Divine calling you to remember that it is the source of all.

Remember, behind the face of every fear or doubt you might have, is the Divine calling you to remember that it is the source of all.

So in the face of fear, how can we distinguish what is right? How can we know what the best decision is? Ultimately, we must connect with the heart's combination of the Hridaya and Spanda. The Hridaya is silent and the Spanda is gentle. In order to establish a connection with these principles and gain access to our inner wisdom, it is imperative to still the mind and cultivate discernment, commonly referred to as tarka. Self-inquiry can achieve this. The practice of jnana yoga, also known as the yoga of knowledge, enables us to differentiate between the song of our heart and the voice of our ego. The ego has the ability to manifest itself in a deceptive manner, often masquerading as a spiritual voice or desire. However, through consistent spiritual practice, we can learn to distinguish between the two.

In order to establish a connection with these principles and gain access to our inner wisdom, it is imperative to still the mind and cultivate discernment

Listening to the heart doesn't only require a quiet mind. Heart-centered spiritual practices can enhance the volume of our heart's song. There are various practices that can enhance the energetic activity in the heart area, making it easier to listen. These include Bhakti Yoga, Mantra japa, Kirtan, heart-opening yoga postures, prayer, cacao ceremony, and anything that helps us to cultivate humility, surrender, and devotion.

Listening to the heart doesn't only require a quiet mind. Heart-centered spiritual practices can enhance the volume of our heart's song.

Embracing a heart-centered approach entails venturing into uncharted territories, confronting apprehensions, and placing faith in the unknown. It requires openness to new experiences, learning from mistakes, and embracing the full spectrum of human emotions. By doing this, we can discover a sense of purpose, significance, and happiness that transcends personal limitations and fears. We can live an authentic, fulfilling, and meaningful life. Surrendering to our hearts means surrendering to the divine. When we choose to follow our heart's calling, we dissolve the border between the spiritual and non-spiritual.

Surrendering to our hearts means surrendering to the divine. When we choose to follow our heart's calling, we dissolve the border between the spiritual and non-spiritual.

In your heart, the universe echoes your eternal existence with each finite breath: as above, so below; as within, so without. You and the universe are one. You are an integral part of the cosmic dance that exists in the universe. Like a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, constantly shifting and merging, life is forming and dissolving within you. You as the eternal formlessness and you and the finite human. Choose your heart, choose love, choose the divine, and everything else will fall into place.

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