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discover the magic of community

Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2024 | Anuttara Ashram

lake view
silent retreat meditation

This retreat is a space to explore the depth of the heart through Tantra.

Imagine spending a week in the beautiful and serene mountains of Northern BC, Canada, surrounded by old growth forest and completely off the grid. During our silent retreat, you can expect to explore the innermost aspect of your being and to gain insights on your true nature through the tools of yoga & meditation. Together we will participate in daily movement practices and non-dual tantric meditations inspired by the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. In the evenings we will gather for Question & Answers to help aid the practitioners in diving deeper within themselves.


In addition to finding ways to rest in the quietude and peace of our being, this retreat can also help us to gain personal insights and self-reflection. The group meditations can help to reduce stress and improve mental clarity. The serene location of this retreat provides a chance to connect with nature, allowing one to become more in tune with the world around them. All of these benefits can help to create a sense of peace and balance in one’s life.

yoga students in nature


  • 7 days of varying degrees of silence will be practiced for the duration of the retreat

  • Spend time in silence reflecting and meditating

  • Follow a daily schedule of activities such as yoga, meditation, and question periods with the main facilitators.

  • Learn about the philosophy of tantra

  • Connect with nature and practice mindful walking

  • Eat 3 healthy, vegetarian/vegan meals a day. All food is prepared & served with Ayurvedic principles. 

  • Take part in self-reflection exercises

  • Spend time in solitude

  • Engage in self-reflection activities such as journaling

  • accommodation at Anuttara Ashram

100% of Money Raised Goes to the Ashram

Anuttara Ashram is one of those rare places where hard work, play, spirituality, education, and community all exist in harmony. And it is home to practitioners, wild animals, and thousands of trees. We have always prioritized Nature & people over profits. 


At this time, this retreat is our main source of fundraising for the year to continue to keep the ashram open. Your tuition is a donation to the ashram that will make a significant impact on our community and help us to continue serving. We are grateful for your generosity.

anuttara ashram living

The Practice of Silence

walking in nature

Silence is an excellent practice to bring presence and awareness to our habits and speech. We can practice silence not only through a quieting of sound, but also of mind-an internal silence. This will create more room for self reflection and contemplation.

It can provide a sense of inner peace and help to reduce stress and anxiety in our lives overall. Silence can also help us to better understand our thoughts and feelings, allowing us to gain clarity and insight that we can carry away from this retreat into our lives. Being in silence can be a powerful tool to help us to reconnect with ourselves and the world around us.

Tantric Meditation

Tantric meditation focuses on the connection between the physical and spiritual aspects of the individual. Tantra understands life as an intimate interweaving between the human and the divine. It is the tantric perspective that the ultimate non-dual reality is when we can come to recognize the sacred in our everyday life. In tantric meditation we do not strive to get somewhere or attain something other than what is already innately within and around us. It is the tantric belief that we are not separate from the divine, we have just forgotten who we really are as Holy and Sacred beings.


The tantric meditations that you will experience in this retreat will help you to recognize your body as a temple, your thoughts as clouds, your emotions as moving energy and your being as pure awareness and your experiences as divine vibrancy.

yogini in nature

Where & When

August 5-12, 2023, Anuttara Ashram in Northern, BC, Canada. Learn more about the ashram.

  • Check-in is at 3 pm

  • Silence begins on the evening of August 5 and ends on August 11.

  • Check-out is at 11 am on August 12. 

Flights can be booked to Terrace Airport (YXT).


Optional transportation will be available on August 5 at 12pm from the airport to the ashram.

ashram living in nature


Nourish Your Body

All meals are made with mainly fresh vegetables from our organic garden.  They are also made in an Ayurvedic way to help create an inner well being of peace & tranquility. 

We are able to accommodate

  • gluten-free

  • dairy-free

  • nut-free 

  • and most allergies/intolerance

In this retreat, we will eat a yogic diet and do not serve: 

  • alcohol 

  • meat & eggs

  • coffee 

  • onions, garlic & mushroom


This is a sample schedule 
7:00 am - Morning Aarti

7:15 AM - Yoga & Meditation

9:30 AM - Breakfast

10:30 AM - Philosophy Talk & Meditation
1:00 PM - Lunch

2:00 PM- Journaling & Free Time

4:00 PM - Moving Meditation, Sitting Meditation, and/or Walking meditation

6:00 PM - Dinner

730 PM - Q&A

yoga students at Anuttara Ashram
artemis and bhairav at Anuttara Ashram
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